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ABA Supercamp

ABA SUPERCAMP is a training program designed to bring the best out in all levels of riders, from the beginner to the seasoned expert. Our program is designed to let you have a great time while learning the basic fundamentals of BMX. And for you experts, our trainers will push you to the next level.

ABA Supercamp Clinic

A ABA SUPERCAMP clinic is held at your local track for 3 hours. The clinic is an intense workout on BMX fundamentals (as is their Camp) with breaks for resting and refreshments. During the clinic the trainer will demonstrate the technics of good gates, riding the track and how to use each obstacle to increase speed and as they say 'keep the back tire on the ground'. What a BMX racer needs to look at when riding a track. Each rider has ample time and chance to try each technic used in the clinic and the trainer will let you know if there is a problem and offers insight on correcting the situation to better each rider.

A riders point of view
Things got started by introducing the trainer and his assistant (Trainer, Ken Cools and Assistant Burlin Harris). Getting to know the riders names and going over the items to be covered in the clinic and why. We then moved our first big jump and was shown a few ways to 'ride' the step-double starting with the basics and then on to the more experienced levels. Each time being shown by our trainer each technic.

After the demonstrations on the big jump we then worked on improving our gates. No 'slingshots' here, just basic starting technics and we watched as Ken demonstrated a basic start. Then we worked on this technic and got our share of insight as to what we did wrong and how to work to correct our problems.

Next on the list was an intense work-out on the 'rhythym section' of the track. We were shown the basic way to work it to get to the finish line and then shown how and where to use a little flair. The main thing was to get in and use your own judgement on how to ride this section of the track. Each rider had many chances to run thru and all the time our trainer was watching each rider and giving each what was needed to improve their riding and how to get faster. After all that is what it is about 'getting faster'.

In the end we all came away as better riders and (I) would recommend this to each rider no matter how good they are now this will improve the way each rider gets from start to finish.

LEARN MORE about ABA Supercamp Clinics and CAMPS
(661) 305-0434
5603 WEST AVE. L 6

Pictures from our Clinic

Many THANKS goes to Carl Karlstrom for his pictures below of our clinic.
All pictures are ©2005 Carl Karlstrom and used by permission.

40A by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
40B by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
40C by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
40D by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
40E by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
40F by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
409 by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
410 by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
411 by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
412 by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
413 by Carl Karlstrom ©2005
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Last updated April 16, 2005 9:41 AM
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